Murano Honey Garden™

2013 – present

On the grounds of the Giorgio Giuman glass factory on the island of Sacca Serenella in Murano.

250-square-meter field, with a designed environment of 30 fruit trees and 500 fragrant, flowering plants and four fully functioning beehives. 

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Directions for visiting the MURANO HONEY GARDEN™:
Giorgio Giuman, Sacca Serenella 14, Murano, Venezia
Tel: 041-736619
Vaporetto to Serenella:
From San Marco – LINE 4.1
From P.le Roma/Ferrovia - LINE 4.2 or LINE 3
From Fond.te Nove – LINE 4.1 or LINE 4.2 

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Murano Honey Garden earthworks installation, on the grounds of the Linea Arianna glass factory on the island of Sacca Serenella in Murano, Venetzia, Italia.

Judi Harvest: "March 21, 2013, I began the Murano Honey Garden™ on the grounds of the Giorgio Giuman glass factory in Sacca Serenella as the permanent part of my site specific installation, “Denatured: Honeybees + Murano.” Six boatloads of soil, 100 carpets of sod, 500 flowering plants, 30 fruit trees, and a 100 year old pomegranate tree later, we installed 4 honeybee families in brightly colored hives. By August, 2013 the garden produced over 60 nectarines and 60 kilos of honey, 25 pomegranates and several picnics."

Now in 2024, the Murano Honey Garden has become an oasis which continues to inspire and bring joy for all who visit.

Along with the honeybees we produce approximately 250 jars of honey per year.

Every September we gather to celebrate nature, Murano and pollinators at the Annual Murano Honey Garden Picnic.

Before (March 2013):

grounds of the Linea Arianna glass factory on the island of Sacca Serenella in Murano

Honey Garden - planting

Honey Garden plants - unloading barge

First growth (May 2013):

March 21, 2013, I began the Honey Garden on the grounds of the Linea Arianna glass factory in Sacca Serenella as the permanent part of my site specific installation, “Denatured: Honeybees + Murano.”

Honey Garden - beekeepers

Judi harvesting honey

Honey from the Honey Garden



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