An Exhibition of the Art of Judi Harvest

20230909 fango fuoco fiori

Curated by: Beatrice Burati Anderson September 9 – November 26, 2023
September 9 – November 26, 2023
Opening: September 13, 2023, 6 – 8 p.m. Calle de la Madonna, 1976 (Campo San Polo)
Photos: Claudio Franzini

Press release in English - Press Release in Italian

Photos of the gallery installation at Beatrice Burati Anderson Art Space & Gallery (Calle de la Madonna)

Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori Allestimento galleria Fango Fuoco Fiori

Photos of the gallery installation at Beatrice Burati Anderson Art Space & Gallery at (Corte Petriana)

Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana
Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana Gallery Corte Petriana
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